Jasnina Schramm

Jasnina Schramm

Solution Specialists Team Lead

Customer Data Platforms: Taking Customer Experience Personalization to the Next Level

20 October 2023
2 min

The digital ecosystem’s ongoing evolution gives organizations more touchpoints with users and access to richer data. Due to the rapid evolution of digital touchpoints, companies face significant challenges. Their primary task is to efficiently collect and organize the growing volume and variety of data. Overcoming information silos is essential. Leveraging this data from the cloud—where it remains securely under the company’s governance—is crucial. By doing so using Customer Data Platforms, companies can enhance the user experience and maximize the data’s business value.

How can we achieve this? 

Various technologies exist in the market, but at Making Science, we’ve learned that each company requires a solution specifically designed for its unique business and organizational needs. To address this, we’re working closely with our clients to create Composable Customer Data Platforms (CCDPs) and Customer Data Architecture (CDAs) using Google Cloud.

  • CDAs aggregate information from different domains of a company, making it accessible, and facilitating subsequent activation. It is also a long-term solution that allows it to build future business use cases, enabling organizations to own their data.
  • On the other hand, CCDPs are market tools designed to activate use cases in a ‘simple’ way, without dependencies on technology teams.

So, which one should you choose? A Composable CDP or a CDA? 

Composable CDPs have revolutionized the way we handle customer data. Previously, tools such as Customer Relationship Management Data Management Platforms (CRM DMPs) dominated the landscape. However, a CDP operates as an ‘open platform’, letting us merge diverse data sources and dismantle longstanding information silos. To truly unlock the potential of a CDP, it’s essential to establish a data architecture (CDA) that facilitates real-time data activation.

This solution offers numerous benefits pivotal to the success of a comprehensive 360-degree marketing strategy: profile alignment, enhanced segmentation, implementation of predictive models and Generative AI solutions, enhanced customer insights, unified multichannel marketing resource optimization, and the eradication of data silos.

How do we measure the success of a Composable Customer Data Platform/CDA? 

Every investment should have a measurable ROI, a return for the business, and in the case of CDP/CDAs, there are three aspects to consider and measure: sales, speed, and cost savings.

Undoubtedly, incredible challenges are arising in data, cloud, and AI for companies, which will change how they make decisions, conduct marketing, integrate advanced marketing analytics, and manage their organizations. Is your company ready to extract the maximum value from its data?

Do you want to learn more about Customer Data Platforms for your business? At Making Science, we have a specialized team of experts who can help you define your CDP/CDA strategy for your specific case. Contact us!